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Writer's pictureMieux Swim

She Unlocked

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Last night I was running late and almost didn’t go. But there was this tiny voice saying you need to go. As I weaved in and out of traffic up the NJ TPK, through the Holland and up W. Broadway I thought about who’s counting on me and it’s not just my family, I’m counting on myself! I’m in this to prove to myself that I am more than my circumstances.

After parking in the deck 15 mins earlier than my reserved time and paying an additional $35 as a penalty for being too early for my parking spot (only in NYC) I walked with so much speed I thought I was going to rip my tied sandal straps, up Houston I went to make it to the Unlocked Experience event which was partnered with Tory Burch Foundation.

Coming in like a whirlwind, and I don’t mean a breath of fresh air more like that wind that violently blows your fresh hair style when you crack your car window, then being directed toward where I’m suppose to be (1hour late), I plopped down on an available seat feeling out of sorts. The host then cues me to introduce myself, caught off guard I just go with it and finally admit to a group full of successful women, “I’m not quite together or prepared to speak after running up the street” they understood, I smiled and they showed me grace.

Eventually I was able to engage in the round table and I realized I was extremely thankful to have made it to this event. Why am I saying all this? Because the hurdles were the test and I ran the race but being present and in the room was the reward. Sometimes we fight ourselves about something and that’s usually when we need to show up for ourselves by pulling strength from our deepest parts!

Author: Selina Ward

Selina Ward founder of Mieux Swim @mieuxswim #mieuxswim #amaximumselflovemovement #swimsuits #bikinis


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